Maxis Offer Unlimited Free Data

It follows the launch of the social media edition prepaid plan, Hotlink Social Edition that offers cost calls and short message service (SMS) and internet service social media site without limit at a competitive price.
Chief Operating Officer With him, Suren J Amarasekera, said the plan was introduced in line trends of mobile data usage in the country that focuses on social media.
"For call and SMS, it slowly began to offer low prices, especially at 2 am to 7 am, according to the current trend of young people who love to chat with friends on through the night," said Jeff Chong, Mobile Product and International Service chairman.
In everage, every Malaysian people spend one third of their time than to seeing friends menerusi page or social applications, making Malaysia among the top listings in the world of social media usage.
Now, 46.9 pecent than 28.5 million people in this country have Facebook accounts and two million have Twitter accounts than just 3,000 in 2008.
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